On this page you will find, after buying a subscription, the detailed financial situation of the companies over several years, as well as an analysis of profitability and financial health indicators.
At the top of the page we have the company selection menu. Next to it we have some information and the contact details of the selected company.
A brief graphic representation of the main financial indicators reported in the last year.
Table with all financial indicators reported over the years. The table can be saved as a csv file that can be opened in Excel.
Employee evolution and profit per employee, also referred to as net income per employee (NIPE), is a metric that you can use to calculate your business’s net income divided by the total number of employees.
Company evolution over the years: turnover, equity, assets, inventories, liabilities and income.
Evolution of the financial health and long-term sustainability: liquidity and solvency.
Profitability ratios are a class of financial metrics that are used to assess a business's ability to generate earnings relative to its revenue, operating costs, balance sheet assets, or shareholders' equity over time.