Retailer details

On this page you will find the updated situation of the stores in the international and local networks.

We provide you with the geographical distribution of stores according to the sales channel, sales area, company or store brand, the evolution of the number of stores and the opening of new stores by type of sales channel, company or store type.


At the top of the page we have the filter menu which works from left to right. If we select (or deselect) an option in one of the fields, the options in the fields to the right of it will change in accordance with the selection made. All the results displayed on the page under the filter menu (map, graphs, tables) will change every time an option is selected (de-selected) in one of the fields.


Geographical distribution of shops by town, according to the options selected in the filter menu.


Geographical distribution of shops by town, according to the options selected in the filter menu.


You can save the map as an image and download the data as a csv file that can be opened in Excel.
